Monday, July 29, 2013

Frank Storch: Working Towards Safer Schools

After news of the horrifying massacre which took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School became known, Frank Storch immediately began to write the 44-page guidebook to school safety, “Keep Your School Safe.” Twenty-six people were murdered in that event, perpetrated by a lone gunman. Among the dead were 20 children, in most cases as young as 5 or 6 years old. The impact of that slaughter was enormous, and it propelled Frank Storch to take action. Spending hundreds of hours in preparation, finally the guidebook to school safety was releases, sent to thousands of Jewish schools across the country and available for free on-line. It is Frank Storch’s goal, and his dream, that no such tragedy such as what happened in Newtown, Connecticut, will ever happen again.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Frank Storch: Addressing the Safety Issue in Our Schools

It is hard to think of an issue more prominent and crucial in today’s world than safety and security. That is why Frank Storch’s guide to school safety, “Keep Your School Safe” is such a valuable and useful publication. The guidebook is available on-line, downloadable and completely free. Here are some tips taken from Frank Storch’s publication, Keep Your School Safe.

•    Is there anything unique to the school’s geographical location or building infrastructure that needs to be addressed specifically with regard to security?

•    Is daily traffic in and out of school grounds monitored by guards, cameras and/or video surveillance?

•    Has the school considered using a guard station/booth with a uniformed guard present during school hours?

Take some time, look over the guidebook, and get your school to a high level of safety.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Safety and Security are Frank Storch’s Specialties

Basic safety and security is not something to take for granted, and surely Frank Storch does not. As the author of Keep Your School Safe Frank Storch is dedicated to helping communities achieve and maintain the maximum level of safety which is possible. Here are a few tips to help lift the level of security at your school. Assuming that your school has done a security assessment, then-
·        Did the security assessment highlight items that need to be addressed immediately? Have they been addressed?
·        Did the security assessment include procedural or operational recommendations? Have they been implemented?
·        Has the school considered joining other schools in hiring a single security consulting company to develop unified and standardized safety and security protocols for cost-effectiveness and efficiency purposes?

Implementing the above recommendations will surely Keep Your School Safe.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Advice from Frank Storch to Help Keep Your School Safe

Within the pages of Frank Storch’s new handbook, “Keep Your School Safe,” are many ideas and strategies which can be implemented in relative ease. Here are several suggestions from Frank to keep your school safe.

Are all the school’s safety and security protocols kept up to date?
Do security professionals conduct regular, periodic assessments of the school’s safety and security protocols?
When was the last time such an assessment was completed? If it was too long ago, conduct a new assessment.

These suggestions and much more can be found within the pages of the downloadable guidebook, Keep Your School Safe.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Keep Your Schools Safe Guide Discussed on The Yeshiva World Website

The Yeshiva World website has recently done an article about the Keep Your School Safe guide written by Frank Storch. In their article, they explain why this guide is so important for Jewish schools of all denominations. As they wrote, "KYSS is intended for all Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Community Day schools. In addition, it will also be sent to Jewish organizations, synagogues, and camps. A similar guide is being prepared for all public and private schools throughout North America."

The guide, as they explained, has been recommended by many esteemed organizations. It has been recommended by security organizations like The Secure Community Network and SWAT members. It has also, as the article explained, "been recognized by the Agudath Israel of America and The Orthodox Union as an essential safety and security resource." The article explains that the " guide helps schools conduct a thorough security review to help them carefully evaluate and improve school safety."