Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Frank Storch Making Baltimore a Safer Place to Live

The efforts of Frank Storch to make the City of Baltimore the safest possible place to live have been ongoing, beginning back in the 1980s.

At that time Frank Storch co-founded with Barry Rosenbluth the Northwest Citizens Patrol. This new organization was formed as a response to a wave of crime in the city that was taking place then; several isolated occurrences of hold-ups and larcenies.

Ever since then the NWCP has had much success, so much so that other communities modeled their own security organizations after it. At the time of the founding Frank Storch said,

“The community owes a great debt of gratitude to all the Rosenbluth brothers, Avi, Ronnie, and Marc. Upon recognizing the severity of the problem, they immediately organized a night patrol.”

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chesed Fund Delivers Variety of Helping Options in Baltimore

The Chesed Fund Limited was launched by Danielle and Frank Storch to help Baltimore community members in ways that most other charitable organizations don’t consider. As an example, where else but the Chesed Fund can someone get a reflector belt to help make night-walking safer? The Chesed Fund has over 15,000 of these belts ready for people just for the asking. Have you ever been to a wedding or other celebration and found the music just too loud? The Chesed Fund has thousands of earplugs to give away to make partying more pleasant. For those among us that miss the date for ordering hand shemura matza for their Passover Seders the Chesed Fund can come to the rescue with 250 extra pounds around for just such a mishap. Last, but definitely not least, among the offers mentioned here, is a $99 package to photograph a Brit Milah, or other simcha.

It is clear that Frank Storch and his Chesed Fund are helping the Baltimore community in ways that challenge the imagination, helping bring the community together for good.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Frank Storch Urges Upgrade of Baltimore Security

In a letter to Baltimore community leaders Frank Storch urges that Baltimore schools and other locations where community members congregate, more steps should be taken to insure the safety and security of residents.

Inspired by the shocking and tragic events that took place in a Connecticut elementary school in mid-December, Storch listed several ways the community can take further precautions to upgrade the security in schools, synagogues and other public spaces.

Panic buttons should be installed at all locations where receptionists are stationed
Surprise lock-down drills should be practiced on a regular basis
Cell phones should be pre-programmed with all staff numbers as well as emergency numbers in case land-lines are down.