Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Join in the Effort to Help Sandy’s Victims

Frank Storch is calling on the community and individuals to continue to aid those adversely affected by Hurricane Sandy only two months ago. Fearing that because Sandy and her victims are no longer headline news, Storch is reminding people that there is much to be done in the wake of the estimated $100 billion worth of damage inflicted upon the East Coast at the end of October.

Storch is advocating the “Make a Difference” initiative which encourages communities to come together to bring aid to the people most in need after the “Superstorm” left homes, community centers, synagogues and more damaged, in some cases, beyond repair.

 Here are some of the ways “Make a Difference” is motivating people to participate in this great effort to help:

  • Enlist the aid of professionals, including those who are retired, who can act as coordinators who will make contact with the communities hardest hit by the hurricane and find out precisely what help they need. 

  • Check out the possibility of helping people and families who so desire to relocate; finding them jobs, schools, housing and tuition assistance. 

  • Start an “Adopt a Family” and/or an “Adopt a Shul” program whereby a synagogue partners with communities in the areas hardest hit to help them get through the challenges of the coming months. 

Now that we are in the middle of the winter it is crucial that communities remember those still in need after the “Storm of the Century” left so many people devastated with almost nowhere else to turn for assistance.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Baltimore Celebrates Channukah with Local Organizations

Last week, the Baltimore Jewish community celebrated the fourth night of Channukah with local organizations such as CERT, Shomrim, Chaverim and Hatzalah.

Shomrim VP Ronnie Rosenbluth served as MC, beginning the event with Frank Storch, who lit the first candle.

Here is a video from the event:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Frank Storch Launches Welcome Home! Carnival

Last month, Young Israel of Wavecrest and Bayswater joined forces with Frank Storch’s Chesed Fund and Project Ezra to launch a ‘Welcome Home!’ carnival for children and families affected by Hurricane Sandy.  

Frank Storch explained: “We worked closely with the Baywater community after Hurricane Sandy devastated them. We transported emergency generators, gas cans, and lanterns. But now, this fantastic community, especially the children, need a break. We intend to bring them some good, cheerful fun!”

The story was mentioned in the Jewish Press’s Community Currents.